Location: Brittish
Height: 373 m
Other information: Earlier this was considered to be the highest waterfall of Canada (503 m), but the measurements of year 1985 “lovered” it. Consists of three nearly vertical cascades. Waterfalls are fed by Dali glacier meltwater.

Height: 850 m (948 m (Encyclopædia Britannica))
Other information: Cascade of waterfalls. River falls from Drakensberg plateau.

Height: 739 m (727,5 m?)
Other information: Cascade of waterfalls. Height of the upper cascade- 436 meters. Waterfall could be dry for part of the year.

Location: Southern Island, Fiordland, not far from
Height: 580 m
Other information: Waterfall with three cascades coming from

Height: 491 m (484m ?)
Other information: Waterfall is fed mainly by the melting snow - the maximum is in May and June. For part of the year there is no water.

Location: Brittish Columbia, Vancouver Island,
Height: 440 m
Other information: Three cascades, the fall is nearly vertical. The highest waterfall in